Author Archives: admin

Carl Engel: The Music of the Most Ancient Nations

Carl Engel: The Music of the Most Ancient Nations
(Commented Reprint)

Carl Engel 1818-1882: Music’s Archaeologist in Victorian London | A Timeline
Graeme Lawson
22,00 EUR
Carl Engel and the non-Darwinian Revolution
Bennett Zon
22,00 EUR
Carl Engel’s Views on the Music of Ancient Assyria
Sam Mirelman
22,00 EUR
Carl Engel and the Earliest Research into Ancient Egyptian Music – Carl Engel et les premières recherches menées sur la musique égyptienne ancienne
Sibylle Emerit
22,00 EUR
Carl Engel’s Perspectives of the Hebrews and their Music
Theodore W. Burgh
22,00 EUR
Crossing Borders

Crossing Borders:
Musical Change & Exchange through Time

The Bullroarer: A Global and Timeless Sound Instrument
Cajsa S. Lund | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Prehistoric Triton Shell Horns in Europe
Francesco Marano | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Ceramic Aachen Horns: Sounding Witnesses of Pilgrim’s Travels in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period in Europe
Annemies Tamboer | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Bone Pipes in the Archaeological Record of Estonia
Madli Oras | Abstract
22,00 EUR
A Singing Bone from the Convent Quarter of Medieval Turku, Finland:
Swedish or German Import, Baltic Influence or Variation on a Finnish Theme?
Annemies Tamboer / Riitta Rainio | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Picenian Pendants as Possible Sound-Tools:
Towards a Pre-Roman Italic Soundscape
Mirco Mungari | Abstract
22,00 EUR
The Sound Fabric: Towards the Sonification of Landscape Archaeology
Jon Hughes / Ben Elliott / Mark Edmonds | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Mythical Archetypes of Itinerant Musicians
Eleonora Rocconi | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Alexander the Great’s Travels and Musical Encounters
Donatella Restani | Abstract
22,00 EUR
The Music of the Conquered: Iconographies and Archaeological Findings from the Time of Alexander the Great
Daniela Castaldo | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Sounds from Under the Shifting Sands: Reflections on Kuchean Music Culture of the Sixth and Seventh Centuries
Gabriela Currie | Abstract
22,00 EUR
A Study of the Music and Dance Images in the Hinayana Buddhist Mural Paintings of the Dai People in Yunnan, China
Wang Ling | Abstract
22,00 EUR
‘Listen To My Drum’: The Musical and Socio-Cultural Importance of Torres Strait Islander Warup/Buruburu Drums in Australia
Karl Neuenfeldt | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Interpreting Authenticity, Asserting Authority:
The Transmission of Piobaireachd in New Zealand
Daniel Milosavljevic | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Flower World – Mundo Florido, vol. 2

Flower World – Mundo Florido, vol. 2

Staging Sound: Acoustic Reflections on Inca Music, Architecture and Performance Spaces
Henry Stobart | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Unveiling the Secrets of Ancient Nasca Whistles
Anna Gruszczyńska-Ziółkowska | Abstract
22,00 EUR
El Señor de las Antaras: Música y fertilidad en la iconografía nasca
Daniela La Chioma Silvestre Villalva | Resumen
22,00 EUR
The Death of the mojas: Human Sacrifices, Song and Ritual in the Nuevo Reino de Granada (Central Colombia), 1563
Egberto Bermúdez | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Winds of Change: Ceramic Musical Instruments from Greater Nicoya
Carrie L. Dennett and Katrina C. Kosyk | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Las flautas poli-globulares de Mesoamérica
Vanessa Rodens, Arnd Adje Both y Gonzalo Sánchez Santiago | Resumen
22,00 EUR
The Voladores Dance: Traces of the Past for the Interpretation of the Present
Grazia Tuzi | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Origin and Meaning of the Hopewell Panpipe
Mark Howell | Abstract
22,00 EUR
The Archaeology of Sound, Acoustics & Music: Studies in Honour of Cajsa S. Lund

The Archaeology of Sound, Acoustics & Music:
Studies in Honour of Cajsa S. Lund

Sound Archaeology and the Soundscape
Rupert Till | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Ears to the Ground: On Cajsa Lund’s Legacy and Moving Movements
Frances Gill | Abstract
22,00 EUR
The Rommelpot of the Netherlands as a Case Study in Cajsa Lund’s Probability Groups
Annemies Tamboer | Abstract
22,00 EUR
The Mammoth in the Room: Did Musical Necessity Drive Innovation in Ancient Technology?
Graeme Lawson | Abstract
22,00 EUR
The Birth of European Music from the Spirit of the Lyre
Stefan Hagel | Abstract
22,00 EUR
The North Germanic Lyre and the Baltic Psaltery: A Neurological Explanation for their Different Tunings
Timo Leisiö | Abstract
22,00 EUR
A Handful of String Instrument Finds from Medieval Sigtuna, Sweden
Anders Söderberg | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Music Archaeology in Wolin, Poland: A Thirteenth Century Possible Fiddle, Citole or Nyckelharpa
Dorota Popławska, Andrzej Janowski and Stanisław Mazurek | Abstract
22,00 EUR
TRB Drums and Rituals of Transformation
Simon Wyatt | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Missing Membranophones? Traditional Drumbeaters in Northern Eurasia and Possible Prehistoric Parallels in European Archaeological Collections
Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos and Riitta Rainio | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Beyond the Carnyx: Recent Developments in Scottish Music Archaeology
John Purser | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Ornamental and Structural Details on the Surface of the Bronze Age Lurs
Joachim Schween | Abstract
22,00 EUR
In the Mind of a Music Archaeologist
Cajsa S. Lund | Abstract
22,00 EUR
Flower World – Mundo Florido, vol. 1

Flower World – Mundo Florido, vol. 1

Ancient Pututus Contextualized: Integrative Archaeoacoustics at Chavín de Huántar, Peru
Miriam A. Kolar, with John W. Rick, Perry R. Cook, and Jonathan S. Abel | Abstract
22,00 EUR
DOI 10.7418/2196-0631.111
Inca Songwork, 1525
Gary Tomlinson | Abstract
22,00 EUR
DOI 10.7418/2196-0631.112
Los aerófonos de barro del Valle de Sula, Honduras
Teresa M. Campos, ilustraciones de David Banegas | Resumen
22,00 EUR
DOI 10.7418/2196-0631.113
Ritual Dance and Music in Ancient Maya Society
Matthew Looper | Abstract
22,00 EUR
DOI 10.7418/2196-0631.114
Sonidos en piedra: El canto, la música y el baile en el Monumento 21 de Bilbao, Cotzumalguapa, Guatemala
Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos | Resumen
22,00 EUR
DOI 10.7418/2196-0631.115
Tunk’ul: Análisis de un instrumento musical maya en contextos rituales durante la Colonia
Juan Carrillo González | Resumen
22,00 EUR
DOI 10.7418/2196-0631.116
Cantos de Venado: New Insights into Mexican Indigenous Performance and Composition Practices
Helena Simonett | Abstract
22,00 EUR
DOI 10.7418/2196-0631.117
An Organology of the Americas as Painted by John White and Other Artists
Mark Howell | Abstract
22,00 EUR
DOI 10.7418/2196-0631.118