The Contributors
Frances Gill
Independent Researcher, Sweden
Stefan Hagel
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture
Cornelius Holtorf
Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden
Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper
Catherine Homo-Lechner
Independent Researcher, France
Andrzej Janowski
Polish Academy of Sciences, Szczecin, Poland
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology
Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Departamento de Historias y CC de la Música
Gjermund Kolltveit
Independent Researcher, Norway
Graeme Lawson
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Timo Leisiö
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Faculty of Philosophy, The Humanities
Emiliano Li Castro
Independent Researcher, Italy
Cajsa S. Lund
Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden
Stanisław Mazurek
Pracownia Dawnych Instrumentów Muzycznych, Szczecin, Poland
Iain Morley
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
Dorota Popławska
Zespół Państwowych Ogólnokształcących Szkół Muzycznych, Warsaw, Poland
John Purser
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland
Research Department
Riitta Rainio
University of Helsinki, Finland
Department of Cultures
Joachim Schween
Independent Researcher, Germany
Anders Söderberg
Sigtuna Museum, Sweden
Annemies Tamboer
Independent Researcher, The Netherlands
Rupert Till
University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Department of Music
Simon Wyatt
Independent Researcher, United Kingdom