To protect your own interests please read our terms and conditions carefully before accepting them. If you are uncertain as to your rights or want any explanation about our terms and conditions please write to us using the contact form.
The content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question. Permission is granted to you to electronically copy and hard-copy print portions of our website for the sole purpose of placing an order, reading the terms and conditions with more ease or using this website for ordering.
1. Before ordering, please visit our VAT & Pricing, Payment Methods, and Handling & Shipping information.
2. You may place an order by using the shopping cart, filling the Order Form, and/or sending an e-mail (to:
3. When placing an order, you are asked to provide your account information (e.g. your full name and complete shipping address). Please take especially care that your name and shipping address are correctly typed.
4. If you would like to amend or cancel your order, please phone or email us and we will try to help you as best we can.
5. We will send you a confirmation of your orders to your e-mail address.
Customers will be billed through e-mail. You can use PayPal with your credit card and you do not have to login to have a PayPal account (after leaving the shop and being directed to paypal, use the guest buyer account). Alternatively, you may use international money transfer through your bank or pay with Western Union. For more information, see Payment Methods.
A copy of the bill will be always included into the parcel. After we have received your full payment, the ordered items are professionally handled and packed, and securely shipped by an international shipping agency. Please note: we are not responsible for any damage that may occur during delivering to the ordered items. If you like to have an insurance, which we recommend, please contact us. For more information, see Handling & Shipping.
You have the right to return the ordered item in 14 days after receiving it (only physical products). If you are not happy with the ordered item and want to return it, please contact us. We will refund the money to your account after receiving the returned product. We reserve the right refusing to refund any goods, which are not returned in the condition they were sent. We are not responsible for any damage that may occur during shipping to the items you are returning. For your own protection, you may wish to send your return by insured parcel post or courier.
We use only e-mail for long-distance communication. Please note, apart from the above mentioned order confirmations and the electronic bill, we will not send you any e-mails, unless you checked a box to receive our annual newsletter. For urgent matters we offer to call you back by phone (only landline) or to skype.